The Human Resources Bundle gives you an overview of the importance of diversity and professionalism on the job. This course covers the types of unlawful harassment and discrimination, tangible employment actions, remedies and reporting, and provides scenarios and quizzing for competency demonstration. Read more
Description: The Orientation/Annual Course Super Bundle includes mini-bundles on key topics needed to provide an annual reminder of these topics to current employees and to orient new hires to a healthcare environment. This Super Bundle includes: Emergency Preparedness, Patient Rights, HR, HazComm, HIPAA/Infection Control, Bloodborne Pathogens and Workplace Injuries. Also available in Spanish for an additional fee. Read more
The patient rights bundle provides an overview of patient-resident rights and the duty to report abuse, neglect and other infractions to authorities. This bundle also includes an overview of dementia to increase employee understanding and a "Stop and Watch" module discussing the importance of reporting when you see a change in a patient/resident's condition. Read more
Policy Statement: The Company promotes the health and safety of all employees, as well as that of the clients and residents we serve. In order to achieve this end, this policy and the associated training is compliant with federal (OSHA, CDC, CMS, DOL, etc.) regulations. The Active Shooter Inservice is part of our emergency preparedness plan used to teach employees how to respond if an active shooter enters the facility. Description: The purpose of this inservice is to review the steps to take if you find yourself in an active shooter situation. This video is part of the Company's Emergency Preparedness Series. Duration: 5 minutes Read more
Policy Statement: It is Company policy to promote the health and safety of all employees, as well as that of the clients and residents we serve. Our Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Inservice teaches employees: what bloodborne pathogens are; how to identify a potential risk of exposure, where to report an exposure to BBP, how to protect themselves/prevent exposure, and; what to do if exposed to bloodborne pathogens. While nursing staff provides the initial clean-up, the environmental services staff will follow by decontaminating surfaces contaminated with a small amount of feces, blood, or other bodily fluids, i.e. droplets. Description: This Bloodborne Pathogens video discusses what are bloodborne pathogens, how they are spread, and what to do if you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens. It is to be reviewed by new hires and existing employees as needed and on an annual basis. Read more
Policy Statement: The Company promotes the health and safety of all employees, as well as that of the clients and residents we serve. Our policies are compliant with federal (OSHA, CDC, CMS, DOL, etc.) regulations. Our policy is to educate employees as to the behaviors that constitute harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination, and to make them aware of reporting procedures and consequences for those who engage in these prohibited behaviors. Description: This video discusses the different types of harassment; what is and what is not considered harassment, and; the investigatory and disciplinary process associated with harassment and discrimination cases. It is to be reviewed by new hires and existing employees as needed and on an annual basis. Read more
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